• Τετ, 09/08/2017 - 08:57
Message of ANTARSYA to the 55th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan

Message of ANTARSYA to the 55th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan

ANTARSYA (Anticapitalist Left Cooperation for the Overthrow) addresses warm greetings to the 55th International Antiwar Assembly and sends a warm message of internationalist solidarity to the people of Japan and the antiwar movement against the reactionary politics of Abbe government, against nationalism and militarism

We undoubtedly live at a crucial turning point of the global capitalist crisis. The world of the capital tries to overcome the crisis by loading the cost to the global working class and the people's, causing greater exploitation, unemployment, extreme poverty, striking democratic freedoms and destroying the environment.

The plans of the imperialists USA-EU-NATO and their competitions with Russia and China are the basic causes of the war collisions in the 21st century.

The election of Donald Trump as the presidents of the USA, as a result of the prolonged capitalist crisis, is a sign of a new intension of the competitions and renegotiation of the terms of the so called imperialist globalization. The bourgeois political leaders whether they speak to the name of "globalization" and the open markets, whether they speak to the name of nationalism and the protection of the economies, they adopt the same strategy against the working class and the peoples. Greater exploitation, less freedom. Nationalist, fascist, neo-Nazi, racist ideologies and the doctrines of the religious sectarianism are being developed in this framework, as in the case of the reactionary “Islamic State”, which divide the people and subjugate them to the destructive plans of the capitalists.

This is the case in the dangerous competitions in the Far East, which is pointed out by the appeal of the 55th International Antiwar Assembly. This is the case in the Middle East and the East Mediterranean, in the war of Syria. In the Apartheid of the state-terrorist of Israel and in the heroic struggle of the people of Palestine. In the opposition to the authoritarianism of Erdogan in Turkey, in the struggle of the Kurdish people. In Latin America and in the action of the reactionary right opposition in Venezuela.

In the recent summit of G20 in Hamburg we saw these tendencies to be confirmed, but we also witnessed a fighting mobilization of the peoples against the world of exploitation, which brought an optimism and frightened the world of the capital.

The social struggles in our era defend the rights and freedoms in difficult circumstances. Unbeatable as it may seem, the world of the capital fronts important resistance and the struggles of the working class. The unity and the subversive strategy, the class independence and the stable front against the capital, the imperialism and the war, the solidarity and internationalism with the εργατική δημοκρατία are the elements which can contribute to the counterattack for the resistance to the capitalist barbarity for the social resolution.

In Greece, the government of SYRIZA-ANEL continues the policy against people by the memorandums, in other words the policy of the reactionary measures which are imposed by the governments in accordance with the instructions of the EU and the IMF in the name of the Debt. In the summer of 2015 the SYRIZA-ANEL government signed the 3rd memorandum, provocatively ignoring the NO to the memorandum which was voted in the referendum by the 62% of the Greek people. This policy is supported by the EU-friendly opposition and the pro-state and pro-capitalists bureaucrats which controls the General Confederation of Greek Workers. The trial for the criminal activity of the neo-Nazi party “Golden Dawn” under the pressure, among others, of the antifascist movement, reveals how it is being utilized by the capital as a power of racist hatred, anticommunism and against the labor movement and the people.

The government of SYRIZA ANEL is totally aligned with the dangerous policy of the USA and NATO. In this framework it promotes the αντιδραστικό άξονα of Greece-Cyprus-Israel-Egypt.

ANTARSYA fights for a struggling front of ρήξη και ανατροπή and a class reborn labor movement which will give perspective to the social struggles. In this direction it proposes an anticapitalistic transitional programe that mainly demands:

  • overthrow of the memorandums and the policy of the government of SYRIZA ANEL
  • unilateral cessation of payments and the deletion of the debt
  • the nationalization of the banks and the μεγάλες επιχειρήσεις) under labor and social control
  • decisive defense and enlargement of the democratic freedoms and rights
  • exit of the Eurobond and the EU. Exit of the NATO.

The overall interests of the peoples of the region have nothing to do with the imperialist interventions and the competitions of the capitalists, with the nationalism and revivalism promoted by the capitalists. This competition is reactionary from all perspectives.

We welcome the struggles against the capitalist barbarity, the imperialism and the war. With the weapon of internationalism and the solidarity of the people we shall fight against nationalism, fascism, racism and religious sectarianism, tribalism, against every reactionary ideology which divides the peoples and the workers, which supports the deadly machine of war. The struggles for the end of the policies of the capital against the people, the defense of civil rights and freedom, and the struggle for a world with no exploitation can lead to the anticapitalistic overthrow. So that the workers take the wealth they produce and the power in their hands, for a new era towards socialism, for the social emancipation and the liberating perspective of communism.

We wish good luck to the 55th International Antiwar Assembly and we believe it will be a decisive contribution to a struggling and victorious antiwar movement.

Athens, 2/8/2017

